Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

Bringing in 2012 with lessons and learnings from 2011

What a year 2011 was! I really enjoy writing posts for this blog but I must say that my favorite post (other than the features) is the end of the year wrap up post where I recap some of my learning and areas of focus throughout the year. I have to admit that I sometimes forget some of the little gems I tend to find during the course of the year. So let's take a walk down memory lane and take a look back over the highs and lows of 2011.

Who could forget the commencement of a great year with my stumble upon silica in February. I can't believe we're nearing two years since silica my first post on the benefits of silica. I plunged in with both feet when I learned of the benefits of silica to my hair, skin and nails. First I started taking silica supplements, then I graduated to Hubner's silica gel which was said to be very effective and easily assimilated into the body. The benefits I received were almost instant. My skin and nails were singing the praises of silica. This stuff instantly became part of my beauty rituals. The Law of Attraction states that we attract the things we think about the most. Is there any question as to why I was able to attract silica in the form bamboo tea in my life last year? Bamboo tea is pretty amazing. It's light, delicious and contains up to 350 mg of silica per 8 ounce cup. Luckily for us, the vendor graciously offered to partner with the blog to offer bamboo tea at a great price and many of you have taken advantage. My intention is to continue to offer the bamboo tea into 2012 since many of you have requested that "I never stop selling the tea."

A huge focus back in 2010 was on my scalp health. Plagued with shedding like you wouldn't believe, I decided that the only way to address this issue was by dealing with the root scalp. In 2010 I began to discover some solutions to what seemed like an impossible situation. In 2011, I also had some pretty powerful breakthroughs when I discussed the types of carrier oils that work best with our favorite essential oils. Possibly my favorite post of 2011 was a candid look at a 72 year old man's hair regimen and what we could learn from good 'ole Mr. Sanford. I still use his technique to this day.

In 2011 I was inspired by the beautiful ladies featured on the blog. It all started with our conversation with Ms. NJOY who reminded us that the use of our minds powerful is just as powerful to our hair journey as a healthy regimen. Pretty much all of our features were a hit but I think the most popular features to date has got to be of Pink Pearls who introduced us to the world of Kerastase. After interviewing her, one thing led to another and I was able have the wonderful MircoMist experience. Next year I hope to really capture the hair journeys of many more beautiful heads of hair because I am just as much of a hair porn fiend as you are.

Looking ahead to 2012, I am more than excited about what lays ahead. Just this week, I made available the first in a series of topic specific hair guides as resources with detailed information on how to address hair related issues such as moisture, strength, dealing with setbacks, etc. I should also mention that I'm considering evolving the blog which may include a name and design change. There's so much I want to share on the blog but I sometimes feel is if I'm a bit limited to discussing only hair related subjects. I received lots of positive comments on the posts I made on daily habits and personal growth and I feel like there's so much more to share on various other topics. Also, I do have it as a goal of mine to finally create and release a moisturizer compliment to Gleau Argan Oil Blend. What's kept me from doing so all this time is a fear that if this thing isn't absolutely flawless, I will not allow it to see the light of day. The dream of this product I've created in my mind is so perfect that I don't know if such a product could actually exist in real life.....I know that I must let my desire for perfectionism go and bring this product into existence so you guys can give me the feedback I need to make the product even better.

As far as my hair is concerned, my primary focus in 2012 will be on the health and strength of my ends. It's been a while now since I started using Affirm Fiberguard (mild) which has inadvertently led to a transition from fully relaxed hair to texlaxed. My ends are still fully relaxed straight which makes them a little thinner than I'd like them to be. This year is all about thick, healthy, ends.

New Years is my absolute favorite time of year because, with it comes the infinite number of possibilities for our lives. The are millions of paths our lives can take this year and we get to be a part of the creation process by putting intention to what we want with our written goals. So that's what I'll do today...Today I'm writing down the new and amazing experiences I would like to bring into my life in 2012.

Happy New Year Everyone!

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