Selasa, 08 Januari 2008

My struggle with my relaxed hair

I created this blog as way to both educate others about how best to maintain their relaxed hair and to learn more about maintaining relaxed hair in the process. I hope that this experience will be beneficial to both my readers and myself. There is a lot of information to share and much more to learn. I will include both what I learn from research and what I obtain from my first hand experience. My intention is that everyone benefits directly from this open exchange of information.

As long as I can remember, I have struggled to maintain my relaxed tresses. I received, and implemented, a lot of wrong information and learned in the process. People with damaged over-processed hair eagerly provided unsolicited information on what to do with my hair. I remember spending hours upon hours in beauty supply stores looking for the holy grail of hair products that would save my hair. Several years, and countless of hair products later, I am starting to feel comfortable with how I deal with the hair that God has blessed with.

Knowing what works for your hair is key to keeping your relaxed in pristine condition. An lets not forget the most important aspect of maintaining healthy hair-Patience. The more we know about our hair, the better we will be able to manage what we have. So, with that said, lets get started.

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